Had an interesting session with the neurosurgeon today. In his opinion, it is unlikely that the tumour is causing the TN as it is only 3cms whereas they are usually 4cms before they interfere with the trigeminal nerve. He feels that it is more likely compression of the nerve by a blood vessel that is causing the TN. So I now have two things to be dealt with.
About 1 person in 100,000 gets an acoustic neuroma. And about 1 person in 100,000 gets TN. So what are the odds of someone getting both?
I need to have the acoustic neuroma operated on at the same time that they do a microvascular decompression - making for a very long and complex operation - if it is all done surgically.
So now I have to find out about all the possibilities for the two operations - Gamma Knife, endoscopic microvascular decompression, etc. Need to weigh up the risks and the benefits of each procedure.
Interesting the cards that life deals us eh? And how things can change so dramatically in the space of one week.
You can read more about my fight with an acoustic neuroma in my
About Acoustic Neuromas blog.